SCROLL DOWN to read Archived Proposals. Inclusion of any and all content on this page is for the sole purpose of making it available to the public. New proposals submitted to DGS will be posted as soon as 1) proposal authors submit them to Eldridge For All, or 2) they become part of the public record.
Click HERE to read The Next 100 Years at SDC proposal.
On 9/12/22, private citizens submitted to DGS a California Public Records Act Request for review copies of all documents and proposals submitted in response to the Request for Proposals (RFP No. AMB 2022-05-17) for purchase and redevelopment of the surplus Sonoma Developmental Center property in Eldridge, California. The right to review proposals submitted to DGS is specified on page 22 of the Request for Proposals released May 17, 2022.
September 23, 2022: DGS denies Public Records At Request. Read DGS response below.
Local Citizens Propose Reuse of Existing SDC Buildings
Victor Gonzalez is a developer and a member of the PAT.
For a more detailed discussion of the New Town plan, read Tracy Salcedo's article, Focus on SDC: Three groups create proposals with housing front and center, published in the Kenwood Press on Oct. 1, 2021.
The original CEPEC proposal for use of Sonoma Developmental Center land was submitted to the State of California in 2015 and updated in 2017. Click on this button to read the 2019 amended proposal. It is too long to post here as a pdf.
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Board of Supervisors chooses to NOT abandon the SDC Specific Plan comprehensive planning initiative, but there's a catch...