The Valley of the Moon Alliance (VOTMA) has commissioned KLD Associates, an internationally recognized engineering firm with extensive experience in evacuation analysis, to conduct the Sonoma Area Fire Evacuation Study of a large portion of Sonoma Valley.
An important component of the SAFE Study is an anonymous survey (one per household, also available in Spanish) that will help KLD understand what your needs and responses will be during a wildfire evacuation. If you live in the study area bordered to the north by Oakmont, south by Petaluma Ave, and the hills on either side of Highway 12, your help is needed. Please click on the button below to take the 5 minute survey. The SAFE Study is already under way and is scheduled to be completed by late September of this year. Your survey data is needed right now.
Survey data will be added to information about road conditions, census population, schools, and other facilities where evacuation assistance might be needed. The study area does not currently include the City of Sonoma, but Sonoma’s effect on evacuation in the study area will be incorporated.
The SAFE Study is not an evacuation plan; it’s a study of how much time residents will need to evacuate various neighborhoods in the Valley. In addition, it will model the inclusion of new development projects (the former Sonoma Developmental Center, the Hanna Center, and others) and their cumulative impact on evacuation times. Residents and officials need reliable information about the potential effects of these developments, especially when emergency evacuations are concerned.
The Valley of the Moon Alliance is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. If you are able to contribute to the funds needed to complete the study, CLICK HERE.
Click on the button below to read detailed comment letters from Sonoma Mountain Preservation.
February 28, 2024. Sonoma County Tomorrow and SCALE, Sonoma County Advocates for a Liveable Environment, a coalition including Sonoma Mountain Preservation, Eldridge for All, the Glen Ellen Historical Society, and the Valley of the Moon Alliance, urge concerned Sonoma Valley and Sonoma County residents to participate in the upcoming County review of the February 20 application filed by the developer to redevelop the former Sonoma Development Center (SDC).
The public is encouraged to comment on the oversized development proposal for the SDC by developer Keith Rogal under the recently created Eldridge Renewal LLC. Sonoma County Tomorrow and SCALE urge Sonoma County residents to participate in the County review of the development application, which exceeds the out-of- scale project allowed by the County in its SDC Specific Plan.
The developer asks for approvals of a “major subdivision” and “design review” at the SDC site, currently owned by the State of California. He is proposing 400,000 square feet of commercial space — including a 150-room hotel and conference center — and 930 residential units, of which only 123 units (13%) are designated affordable rentals.
“The project is far beyond the capacity of the site and will create a host of unaddressed environmental problems, as well as seriously increase wildfire evacuation risk,” said SCALE spokesperson Alice Horowitz. “It will triple the size of Glen Ellen without providing adequate infrastructure for emergency evacuation and traffic. In addition, Eldridge Renewal proposes large-scale commercial uses, including a resort hotel, which will cause irreparable harm to the critical wildlife corridor.”
Key concerns cited by SCALE and Sonoma County Tomorrow include:
“Affordable housing is critical for our community, and the paltry number designated in the developer’s plan is completely unacceptable,” said Horowitz.
Last year, SCALE and Sonoma County Tomorrow filed a lawsuit in Sonoma County Superior Court challenging approval of the County environmental impact report associated with the SDC Specific Plan, which failed to address numerous environmental problems. The lawsuit is pending. Public comments on the application can be sent to Permit Sonoma,
The application can be found here:
Sending Comments: Please send in your comments on the Rogal proposal to the County PRMD by March 20, if you want them to be considered as part of the County’s “completeness” review. These comments can be cc’d to the state but it would be even better to write separate letters to the state (especially to Jason Kenney, Chief Deputy Director at DGS - regarding their support of a development proposal that is in direct conflict with the Specific Plan.
Suggested Items to Address
In addition to the items above, WILDFIRE EVACUATION, SAFETY CONCERNS, AND A LACK OF CONSIDERATION OF CUMULATIVE IMPACTS FROM HANNA AND OTHER PROJECTS THROUGHOUT SONOMA VALLEY ARE VERY IMPORTANT! Mentioning the omissions in the Specific Plan and flawed environmental analysis as above are critical elements to include in your comments.
Permit Sonoma
Sonoma County Board of Supervisors
Planning Commission
Gorin District 1 Diane Olmstead
Gorin District 1 Greg Carr
Rabbitt District 2 Patricia Gilardi
Rabbitt District 2 Lawrence Reed
Coursey District 3 Jacquelynne Ocana
Coursey District 3 Evan Wiig
Gore District 4 Shaun McCaffery
Gore District 4 Kevin A Deas
Hopkins District 5 Eric Koenigshofer
Hopkins District 5 Webster G Marquez
State legislators and aides
And a few mailing addresses:
Will Lyons, Planner: Permit Sonoma - 2550 Ventura Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Assemblymember Damon Connolly - 1021 O Street, Suite 5240, Sacramento, CA 95814 Senator Mike McGuire - 1021 O Street, Suite 8610, Sacramento, CA 95814
Senator Bill Dodd - 1021 O Street, Suite 7610,
Sacramento, CA 95814
Letters to the local press are very helpful too! Keep them to 200 words or less. Key media contacts are included below. Subject line should include “letter to the editor."
Press Democrat
Sonoma Index-Tribune
Reporter Chase Hunter:
Kenwood Press
Sonoma Valley Sun
Petaluma Argus-Courier
Sonoma County Gazette
Publisher Amie Windsor:
North Bay Bohemian (also Healdsburg Tribune)
Rosemary Olsen:
The map above is one of many you will find in the SDC Development Permit Application submitted to Permit Sonoma on February 18, 2024 by Keith Rogal on behalf of Eldridge Renewal, LLC.
Rogal & Partners and The Grupe Company were picked by the CA Department of General Services in 2023 as the development team to lead redevelopment of the former Sonoma Developmental Center. The deal is for Rogal/Grupe to buy the 180-acre SDC core campus from DGS and implement the SDC Specific Plan, which was mandated by the state and approved by the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors at the end of 2023. However, Rogal’s plan for the core campus deviates significantly from the final Specific Plan, and even Permit Sonoma is starting to push back. Rogal’s plan for the SDC core campus includes 930 residential units, roughly 400,000 square feet of mixed-use space including a 150-key four-story boutique hotel in the Sonoma Valley Wildlife Corridor, and 2,750 parking spaces. CLICK HERE to access all application documents. For a concise summary, be sure to read the SDC Development Permit Application Cover Letter.
The Next 100 Years Proposal envisions a future SDC that fits the rural character of Sonoma Valley, keeps the land in public ownership, provides an appropriate scale of affordable housing, and gives the community a voice in its future.
Click on the button below for contact info. Read this Call To Action for letter writing ideas.
Released to the public on May 17, 2022.
Read the approved declaration defining the boundaries of Glen Ellen.
These meeting boards, released in March 2022, detail Permit Sonoma's plans for the SDC. Use these meeting boards to learn what Permit Sonoma is hoping to push through regarding:
The NOTICE OF PREPARATION (NOP) is a document stating that an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) will be prepared for a project. It is the first step in the EIR process. The primary focus is on notifying public agencies about the project. Issuance of the NOP and responses to the NOP (known as scoping comments) mark the beginning of the Administrative Record for the EIR. In addition to and, the NOP can also be found here.
Vicki Hill, land use planner, Planning Advisory Team member, and Glen Ellen resident, has prepared a thorough explanation of the EIR process. Click on the button below to learn more.
In response to broad public rejection of the Sonoma County Planning Team's proposed alternatives for the SDC Specific Plan, the North Sonoma Valley Municipal Advisory Council has written a letter to Sonoma County Supervisors. Support their efforts by signing this petition. Click below to sign.
Click here to subscribe to Eldridge For All. As a subscriber, you will automatically receive newsletters, blogs, and calls to action. Your personal information will not be shared or sold.
Read Arthur Dawson's article, "Road less traveled by made difference," published in the 11/21/21 edition of the Press Democrat to learn how local citizens made sure a plan to run a major highway through the heart of El Verano was scrapped.
In addition to sharing your views with Sonoma County agencies and Dyett and Bhatia, the land use consultant hired by the County to help craft the SDC Specific Plan, attend the next North Valley Municipal Advisory Council and go on public record.
The North Valley Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) is an arm of Sonoma County government which serves as the voice of local citizens to the County and as a direct link between the County and the community. The MAC's powers are limited to advisory recommendations. While citizen input on land use planning at Eldridge is primarily under the purview of the Sonoma Valley Citizens' Advisory Council (SVCAC), the NVMAC will be involved in specific issues, including traffic and housing, which are squarely within the advisory topics listed in its bylaws.
Regardless of the NVMAC's power to act, public comments on any issue can be made at monthly meetings. Supervisor Susan Gorin is usually in attendance. These comments become part of the public record.
LET'S USE IT! is a three-minute video promoting continued use of viable SDC buildings and resources while state and county officials, nonprofits, and local community members work out the details of a long-term plan. Watch the video by clicking on this link to YouTube
Click on the button below to read the Sonoma Area Fire Evacuation Study and accompanying materials.